Monday, October 13, 2008

October 12 Playa del Carmen

Travelled to here by car. This is a very tropical resort, right on the beach facing aqua waters and a view of the island offshore. The daily rate is all-inclusive, so food, activities, and drinks are all covered except for the more expensive activities such as jet-skis and access to the computer. There are all kinds of activities available, including boating, paragliding, kayaking, dive boats and dive lessons, etc. The buffet meals are excellent, and the quality of the food very good and healthy.
There are speakers scattered around the tropical garden, set inside rocks placed between the plants, playing Mexican music all day.
We have had rain storms overnight, about midday, and late in the afternoon. These are accompanied by loud thunder and lighting, and extremely heavy rain as opposed to showers. Shortly afterwards, the sun reappears along with the bikinis and towels. The humidity is very high, and the air feels very steamy.
Yesterday on a jaunt into the township, we cruised the stalls and one of them had two tiny monkeys on leads which were available for photographs at a price. We have not seen monkeys so small anywhere before.
Mexico produces a great deal of sisal, some for export, and in the past it was the major source of income for Mexico. This is grown as a plant which is like a large fleshy-leafed cactus plant. It takes about 5 years to grow to maturity, after which 4 - 5 leaves are harvested each year. The leaves are crushed, and the internal fibre is then processed to form the sisal fibre with which we are familiar. It is used to produce ropes, string, bags, fabric, and even the sacks which hold the sand as banks close to the shore at our hotel.
We have seen no lamb on any menu in our travels.
All our rooms have been very good, and all have a large-screen TV. However, there is always some item missing (usually only one) such as a bathmat, flannel, drinking glasses, clock, etc.
Tomorrow we depart for Cuba - our next adventure. This will be a highlight, and we cannot wait to explore and experience an exciting part of our trip.
Still cannot publish photos, and there may be no computer access in Cuba.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your description of the trip sounds fabulous, even the heat! We look forward to seeing the photos in Oz and hope the Cuba portion of your trip goes as well as the Mexican portion. Lots of love Mark and Lorraine